Man Walks Thru Door

There is a video on YouTube that shows a younger man with a hoodie walking thru the glass door of a shop on January 30, 2016 at half hour past midnight.  The store has a front night light which attracts a couple homeless people that want the protection of light apparently in a part of town that the police don’t monitor all that often.  The shop owner apparently has purchased and installed a CCTV security camera which is the apparent source of the video.

The useful portion of the video is only about 40 seconds in length.  In that time a young man and girlfriend approach apparently to buy something and find the shop is closed and the internal lights already shutdown. The couple is well dressed in winter clothes. The homeless people also have warm clothes and a blanket.  All the signs on the shop door are in English (and no secondary language like Spanish).  It is not really important, but one might conclude that the climate is far enough north to be considered cold to the local people.  Perhaps it is someplace about the latitude of San Francisco, USA or maybe Philadelphia as we find later.

Through the front glass door we can see what looks like bread racks given the vertical spacing, width and depth.  In many states beer or alcohol can be sold with groceries, so the young couple may have been looking to buy something for the rest of their evening together.

To the experienced computer model maker, the easy conclusion is that this is a real video of somebody who could walk thru a solid wall. It seems likely that this is a planned act to demonstrate to earthlings that this whole affair is possible but they are forbidden to tell us how it is specifically done in accordance with galactic regulations.

Let’s look at what it might take to make a fake video since that is much easier to prove than the realness of an alien walking thru a solid door.

Hoax of the Hoaxers

One sees in the comment sections of many video posting that people who have never created anything with editing software think it is a walk in the park to create a video like this.  A very important first step is to consider that a video is really a collection of still photos, usually at least 33 frames per second and sometimes with high definition much more than that. It takes the man (Mr. Hoodie) about one full second to walk into the shop and another second to walk out of the shop in the door area. He appears to be walking a standard gate for a young man, going a little faster on exit compared to entrance.

Even with an expensive software package like Adobe Photoshop ($21 per month) one can only manipulate existing photos.  You can take a straight on photo of a man and can stretch his eyes or even his whole head and really alter the way he looks. If you wanted to draw something like the shop glass door, you would need to do that in something like ACAD which is an expensive drafting and engineering software package.  Everything in that type of image would be extremely precise and easily separated from an actual photo of something like it.

Below one can examine the complexity of the now famous Star Trek Model.  The lines and motion are controlled by a microprocessor computer, all costing millions of dollars.

A video created at a business location would have to acquire the approval of the shop owner to even be on the premises.  The shop owner would have to be convinced that even if the video creator paid for everything, that it would not hurt his business.  He would want to see proof that the creator had deep pockets in case he had to file a lawsuit.  Certainly, if a lot of folks believed it was an alien (or a witch?), that might create a lot of visitors who were not going to buy anything and might impede the access of real customers.

For Photoshop to be able to modify existing video frames, one might consider getting the shop owner to allow you to take off the door and then take a video of a hoodie man walking into the shop thru the missing door.  All the shading changes can easily be done in Photoshop.  In the video we are examining, there is a substantial increase in the lighting when the man either enters or exits the shop. The CCTV camera has some real focus problems with the sudden change in lighting but with enough time, a lot of that can be altered.  A reasonable estimate would be about a man-day to create each frame, or something more than a year for the total frames in the video.

But there is one huge problem for this avenue of approach.  The man does not walk thru just the easily removable door, but also part of the stationary glass and aluminum frame that houses the door.  Keep in mind this door is substantial since it is protecting the entire store contents which may be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. The option to create a walk thru with the glass front missing is just not really available.

Second Option

The body parts option would be to make multiple videos of the man walking and not care about anything but his foot, shin area and thigh area.  These body parts can be used in Photoshop to make the partial images inside the door.  But since the overall leg ensemble pivots at the knee and ankle, those areas have to rotate independent of each other but consistent with the walking motion.  That means in each frame, these parts must be adjusted so that even the wrinkles in the jeans work out right.  You are talking about a very tedious cut and paste act on each frame and there are a minimum of 60 frames to modify.

Then there is one huge problem.  Every time one uses Photoshop on a frame, it adds its version and name to the EXIF data which would be easily found.  Further, CCTV video has watermarks that would quickly give away any editing by any software. The whole reason for security cameras is to provide something that will stand up in a court of law as having not been tampered with.

Image Analysis

The image below shows the increase in lighting as the man enters the doorway. This is very similar to other images analyzed. ( )  The Mr. Hoodie here even resembles the guy in China.

Repeated here for convenience is the analysis procedure one can easily use.
A special technique one needs to develop is the following:
1.    Get the image set to about 19 seconds and paused (parallel mark left bottom corner).
2.   Practice with the right hand index finger on the left mouse button just advancing the video a portion of a second with two close clicks.
3.   You will see things that your eye doesn’t normally catch since your eye only can resolve down to about 1/10th of a second assuming you didn’t blink.
4.   When the image is what you want, hit “Control Print Screen” and do an “image dump”.
5.   Go to MS Paint or equal and hit “Control V” and the image should appear in the image software.  Crop it to contain just the portion to be analyzed.
6.   For the exit start at 34 seconds.
In the exit image below, note in his left hand is whatever he went in to get to eat.  Note again the increase in brightness as he exits.  In just previous video frames to this one, he has entered the doorway but the light had not increased.
There is a lot of “light stretch” in this video frame, something that is hard to do in Photoshop and be able to make it consistent from frame to frame.
Without showing the whole video, the reader should use the method above and study the left homeless person.  This may be a female and she appears to have been startled by the man entering the building and then seems to react to the lights inside the shop flickering and then she is fully aware when the man exits.  She looks like she is going to try and wake up her companion who never responds in the available video.
To get this coordination between the girl and the lights inside seems a big complication requiring a director and video coordinator.  That scenario would add huge costs to the overall production costs.
Date Stamp Issue
Many have noticed that the date stamp changes from 2016 to 2019.  There appears to be a steady change in small portions of a second while Mr. Hoodie is in the increased light and while all the time inside.  Of the 39-19=20 seconds he is inside it changes at least 40 times.
This can be done in Photoshop but is extremely tedious to not make a mistake and cause a blink in the video.  One can’t just paste the 9 over the 6 because they have areas not covered.  One must carefully highlight a 9 (from some other location because the 9 in the seconds has a much brighter background), paste it over the 6 and then bring in some background to fuzz out the bright spot on the 6 and other areas not covered by the 9. Multiplying by some 60 frames would make this effort alone at least days in length if not much longer.  The chance of error in this alone would be quite high.  Why would anybody bring on this much effort for so little gain?
Notice this video is marked “FRONT” which implies there are multiple cameras. Perhaps there is one inside that could shed more light, so to speak.  The flickers occurring inside could be because Mr. Hoodie is walking thru other things like counters and even other internal doors.
To change 3 years in the date stamp requires a change in at least two bits of data in the binary data field.  To not change anything else would require some purposeful event.  To me this suggests that this and other events like it are training sessions to let us know some of the other things that are possible and to awaken us to check things out better. It seems quite likely that we will need to give up our waring ambitions and pay more respect to other civilizations before we are going to be contacted and helped to develop technologically. We have been told directly that we will never be allowed to have galactic space access as long as we have the attitude that we do.
Mr. Hoodie Compare Shop to Warehouse
There is another video submitted by a person named Aarav (India name and speaker sounded like he was from India) who was apparently a security guard at a warehouse in Philadelphia. By the file number system, it appears Apex TV received the video on 2018-10-20 and published it on October 24th.  You can view the whole video on YouTube at the site below.
Remember to use the quick mouse technique to step thru the video at key points in small increments of a second.
After the initial images highlighting the disappearance, Mr. Hoodie 2 comes around the end of a building which he had been directed to by somebody else.  There is a break area where warehouse workers can escape the doldrums of the inside and sit outdoors and have a smoke or eat a snack.
It is obvious the man in the video has been directed to the area and has been directed to look down as that is where he looks most of the time.  It seems likely a device is attached or imbedded in the floor lighting system so that when activated, it starts blinking a LED looking light about every second in timing.
It blinks several times with no results.  He finally moves toward the camera about a step and appears to adjust something like a remote control on his left wrist using his right hand.  In the second image below he disappears in the next fraction of a second. The image from the door walk thru event is shown first below and one can see a fairly distinctive patch on the left shoulder.  It almost looks like a light colored 7 with perhaps a dark 11 inside to the left of the 7.  Perhaps this is a 7/11 patch and the shop he apparently was familiar with was a 7/11 store, maybe in Philadelphia also.  The elevation and climate would fit ok for Jan 30, 2016. The weather for that day in Philadelphia would fit the clothing worn by people with a 6mph wind.
Note on the left hand is something with a couple of knobs for adjusting something like is seen at the warehouse.
In the image below one can see there is an apparent light embedded in the short wall which would provide lighting for walking around at night but not hinder the view of the stars, moon or whatever else might be visible in the sky.
Somebody with the right technology could embed a device into a typical light housing and then also embed a proximity switch such that when tapped in a certain sequence, could initiate the blinking LED and when activated to do the disappearing function, would turn itself off and not be easily found by a non-technical person even if they tore the light fixture apart.

This whole teleportation series of videos sound like somebody is trying to send us a message and is not somebody trying to steal a free sandwich.  The idea of the hoodie and Skechers shoes could be to tell us that there are humans in the universe which can disappear and perhaps teleport and who are evil like is often portrayed by people wearing hoodies and dark clothing.  Since there does not appear to be anyone appearing on CCTV for nuclear reactors or other military operations, it would not appear that they have that type of agenda.
In the China image above (see )  the shadow of the teleporter seems to indicate a young man dressed in a hoodie and Skechers shoes.  There are other teleportation videos showing a similarly dressed younger man where the Skechers are plainly visible.
In my opinion, there are a series of alien encounters reported by Colonel Wendell Stevens where the aliens have the capability of attaching a small device onto a human belt and then can become invisible to other earthlings but remain visible to each other.  They also can walk thru solid objects like a stone wall. It would be very important for us to know about this technology in case some evil folks come here and want to take down nuclear reactors or other dangerous facilities. (see )
Also from Colonel Stevens is the potential solution.  Even though the person is invisible, any sound he makes can be detected, including his heartbeat.  Although invisible, the person is still vulnerable to bullets and other protective means.  We could easily design a defense system if we only know to make it happen. In all the videos examined, there appears to be the intention to be caught on CCTV and demonstrate the fundamentals.
While many readers will be stunned by the thought of being invisible, it is actually a wonder things are solid at all.  For example, pretend the nucleus of an atom is 1.2 inch in diameter and is at the goal line of a football field.  At that scale how far towards the other end of the field is the electron?  Half-way? All the way to the other goal?  Actually it would be nearly 200 miles away. So why can’t one atom simply pass thru another and why does light bounce off such a structure? The answer would require a major discussion of physics likely beyond most reader’s interest.  Those who are interested can begin their research in Wikipedia under transparency.  You might wonder, why is glass and water transparent?
Knowhow at2 ctcweb dot2 net
Jim Branson
Retired Professional Engineering Manager
